Hi Reece

Thanks for the review of the specs for these new subway train sets. Very comprehensive review!

However, seeing these transits actually runs dependent on municipal and provincial politics.

Two comments:

1) The pole situated at the center of the door: I use a walker, and so one of the attractions of the present Line 1 train sets is that they are center pole free.

Yes, I agree completely that people will congregate on that pole. So, they will be a large obstruction i will need to overcome immediately as I try and board the train.

You also did not make any mention of how the handicap areas will be configured . Again, the Line 1 cars handicap areas are workable. Anything in these specs pls?

2) All purchases are political: My experience is that Scarborough always gets the short end of the stick. I suspect Line 1 will get these new trainsets, because Queens Park has much political capital invested in extending Line 1 into Vaughan. So that will happen. All but guaranteed.

But that's it. It would not surprise me in the least that the balance of the order will be deferred for whatever reason (likely budget), so the existing Line 2 trains will be patches together with chewing gim, bailing wire, and twine, like always ... until they are breaking down completely and can no longer be cobbled together... Can anyone say Line 3 please? lol

Anyhow, it's 'just' Scarborough .... home of the Short End of the Stick.

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Two things, one: the line 2 trains are fine, they really don’t need to be replaced imho. Two: these trains specifically will be going to Line 2 because the yard on Line 2 cannot handle a bunch of Rockets - it’s not something they can decide to change, the rockets are fully interconnected sets.

Edit: Center poles will not exist at the doors with accessible areas, so you should be hopefully fine!

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Thank you Reece for yiur quick reply .

Thx too for the info re Handicap access.

Yes, I remember reading, I think on Steve Munro's posting,that the Line 2 equipment is to be replaced around 2045. It's just that, having lived through the last 22 years of ups, downs, and indeffinite unbudgetted deferrals of equipment or transit lines, I've found it wise to raise a Spock like eyebrow at any Scarborough announcement until it is actually functioning.... Can we say, Malvern? Shepherd subway extension.... Finch Ave BRT? and on, and on

Thank you for your continuing videos and reporting!!

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Maybe they should order the same trains as the REM? Probably can get a good deal on them 🤷🏻

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They wouldn't fit the spec so not really an opportunity to get on the same order.

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That’s too bad. Oh by the way let me know if you ever come to Osaka.

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Great write-up! Thanks for the thorough overview.

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